Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

Introduction HaitiTourisme
Haiti Tourism

Le Site Officiel de La Secr?tairerie d'Etat au Tourisme de la R?publique d'Haiti
The Official Site of the Secretary of State for Tourism of the Republic of Haiti
InterMedia designs, maintains and services Haiti Tourisme free as a public service
for the benefit of the Haitian people in Haiti and overseas and to provide support for the the Haitian Tourism Industry. Haiti travel and tourism remain a vital component of the national economy. InterMedia is the Internet communications Network of Haiti, creator of Haiti Global Village and Port Haiti, the two primary portals to the Haitian Internet. InterMedia designs, produces and maintains over 250 internet sites devoted to Haiti and to the Haitian people throughout the global village. These InterMedia sites currently contain over 9,000 pages of Haitian content and receive over 270,000 unique visitor sessions a month. We hope you find this public service facility of use and welcome feedback and suggestions. We are currently seeking volunteers to translate the texts into English in which case we will also provide a mirror of Haiti Tourisme in English. Thank you for visiting Haiti Tourisme and we are looking forward to having the honor of receiving you "Lakay" soon.
Rediscover our Haiti.

Haiti Global VillagePort Haiti